Dog Reactivity
You love your dog, but maybe you dread walk time as your dog lashes out at other dogs or people. Or perhaps you want to take your dog to your local cafe, but reactivity is holding you back.
Reactivity and the dog’s associated feelings can be modified, the first step is to understand why it is happening... Is it out of a fear, frustration, genetics, lack of socialisation, or a combination of these things?
Just like us, some dogs retreat, whereas others will step up for confrontation when facing a situation that makes them stressed, fearful or anxious.
Act of Dog has the experience and expertise to reduce, and even eliminate reactivity in dogs, in some cases.
By understanding why this behaviour is happening, we can put together a plan to change the dog’s emotional association to the trigger.
End goal: To work your way towards the ‘scary thing’ over time and minimise stress and anxiety during this process.