Book Coaching

Appointments can be booked at rates below in a 15km radius of Heidelberg.

The options for booking are below.

If you are outside this service area and still in the Melbourne metropolitan, a travel fee will apply of $55.00.

If you are located interstate or overseas, a virtual Zoom call can be set up with the standard fees below.

Reach out with any questions:

All appointments are accepted at Act of Dog’s discretion.

The key to changing behaviour is changing conditions.

- Dr Susan Friedman


Initial Consult

$210 (1.5 hrs)

A one and a half hour dog training session either in home or at the Act of Dog HQ.


  • Preliminary phone call to gather information.

  • A sit down session to understand what your family goals are:

  • A deep dive into your dogs behaviour and why it is occurring:

  • Demonstration of practical hands-on coaching to manage the behaviour:

  • A behaviour modification plan, designed to be practical and achievable.

  • Ongoing support via Whatsapp and/or text message.

Complex Consult

$260 (2 hrs)

A two hour dog training session for complex aggression related cases, either in home or at the Act of Dog HQ.


  • Preliminary phone call to gather information.

  • A sit down session to understand what your family goals are.

  • A review of the type of aggression displayed and why it is occurring.

  • Assessment of the environmental conditions and what management can be utilised.

  • Demonstration of practical hands-on coaching to modify the behaviour.

  • A behaviour modification plan, designed to be practical and achievable, based on prognosis.

  • Ongoing support via Whatsapp and/or text message.