Follow up

$100 (1 hr)

Following the initial consultation, a one hour follow up session either in home, at the Act of Dog HQ or virtually.


  • Check in phone call to track the behaviour modification plan.

  • A catch up session to consider results and any set backs.

  • A review of the plan if required and progression to the next stage:

  • Continuation of mechanics and training methods to the next stage:

In-depth Follow up

$120 (1.5 hrs)

Following the initial consultation, a more in-depth one hour and half follow up session either in home, at the Act of Dog HQ or virtually.


  • Check in phone call to track the behaviour modification plan.

  • A catch up session to consider results and any set backs.

  • A review of the plan if required and progression to the next stage:

  • Demonstration of practical hands-on coaching to progress:

  • A tweaked behaviour modification intervention, based on initial prognosis.